Hillary Clinton Email Company Hacked

Hillary Clinton’s Internet Service provider, INTERNAP experiences an epic international attack!
It has been reported that Hillary Clinton’s Internet Service provider for her private email account, Internap has experienced a massive international hack recently.
Internap, a company from Atlanta was employed by Clinton to manage her private email network during her tenure as Secretary of State.
The Victim list revealed by the March 2011 RSA hacker attack uncovered that more than 760 other organisations along with RSA were the victims of that extremely sophisticated cyber attack and Internap itself appeared five times in the list.
The Security company RSA was attacked in 2011 by weaponing a malware-infected email addressed to an employee which further became the vector for data breach. This illegit hack attack targeted Websites, email services, email-storage and cloud services provided by Internap. According to computer experts RSA or other organisations may have been conned by using Internap networks by the hackers.
The cyber security expert Brian Krebbs plotted the control network used by the hackers and 299 out of a total of 338 commands to bebased at China. The hackers domains: “usgoodluck.com,” “obama.servehttp.com,” and “prc.dynamiclink.ddns.us seemed to be taunting the United States.( "People's Republic Of China"being illustrated by "prc", says Krebbs).
After suffering a number of less-sophisticated denial-of-service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks like other Internet Service Providers, a huge DDOS attack broke all the security breakers affecting Internap's CDN in 2011.
In DDoS attacks, the victim computer is choked by an integrated advent of many numbered computer-to-computer contacts. However, Internap's CDN was turned off till the issue was resolved. The attacks continued and in February 2014 Internap NOC confirmed one more attack.
During Superstorm Sandy just before its own data center turned down Internap mocked at its rival company, Amazon through a tweet
“Could ‘Frankenstorm’ Lead To Another AWS #Outage”
During Superstorm Sandy,Clinton's private email server declined leaving open the webmail portal that made it highly vulnerable to hackers, while she was at the state department.
However, Internap has not replied to this comment yet.
Besides Internap Hillary Clinton also hired another company named Network Solutions for governing clintonemail.com and to preserve the anonymity of individuals handling her server for security purpose. That means that apart from Internap, other email contractors could also be a vector to her confidential data breach.
This was demonstrated when in 2010 nearly 500000 Network Solutions domains were infected by a malicious code or a malware through a Ukranian "attack server".