IbrarCentre hacked by Silent Hacker Indishell

IbrarCentre.PK hacked by Silent Hacker ( Indishell )
Defacer :- SilenT H4x0r n Indishell
One more big hack by Silent Hacker ( Indishell ) . IbrarCentre.PK is the "Number 1" classified ad ads posting site where you can Sell or Buy your New or Used mobiles, computers and gadgets in your city. Previously Pakistan's Biggest Mobile Store "whatmobile.com.pk" was Hacked. By the same hacker
" SilenT H4x0r "
Message Posted by SilenT H4x0r:
Message to Porkies Lamers Just Back Off from Indian Cyber Space
We have seen many kids like You Just defacing D grade sites Bunch of noobs
What u think! You are only one here In this cyber space :P
This is just the beginning we will destroy your cyber space Which is already destroyed
And Special FucK Goes to Lamers of Pakistan Cyber Pigs ( PCP )..... and Mahesh Haxor aka Chutiya Lamer and Abdul Basit ( Shell Beggar )
We ar3 :- Ash3ll , Decod3r , Atul , Cyb3r.Pr3dat0r Godzilla , Code Breaker , X Parameter , Inf Ninja , SileNt Hax0R , Error 1046 , Dark Wolf , Neo ..
Greetz to :- Yash Bhaiya , Jaguar Hacker Nyro Hacker , Web Ruler , Xtremee Killar LoveTheRisk India , Hacker_m329 , DarkSpirit Negative and Mayanmar Hackers
Site Rank : 1,355 "Pakistan"
Site link :- http://www.ibrarcentre.pk/
Mirror link :- http://arab-zone.net/mirror/175741/ibrarcentre.pk/