July 31, 2012

Pakistan Biggest Mobile Store Hacked !!!

Pakistan Biggest Mobile Store Hacked !!!

XSS Vulnerability found in Pakistan Biggest Mobile Store  whatmobile.com.pk !!!

Pakistan hacked hack reports

XSS vul found in Pakistan Biggest Mobile Store  "whatmobile.com.pk" by Manoj Nath (Indishell) ,Message posted by Manoj Nath (Indishell) on whatmobile.com.pk" ./SilenT Hax0r ArriVed ( Indishell ) "

Proof of Concept : http://


ALEXA rating: whatmobile.com.pk

 Alexa Ranking hack reports

Statistics Summary : whatmobile.com.pk

Whatmobile.com.pk is ranked #8,671 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Its visitors view 4.4 unique pages each day on average. It is located in Pakistan. Compared with internet averages, the site appeals more to men; its audience also tends to consist of childless people earning less than $30,000 who have postgraduate educations and browse from home. Whatmobile.com.pk is particularly highly ranked in the city of Multan (#39).